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¥¿¥¤¥È¥ë International Collaboration on Non-profit NGO Management
³«»ÏÆü»þ 2015ǯ 1·î 24Æü (ÅÚÍËÆü)   9»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
½ªÎ»Æü»þ 2015ǯ 1·î 24Æü (ÅÚÍËÆü)   11»þ00ʬ (GMT+09:00)
¾ÜºÙ Saturdays, January 24 – March 14
9:00 – 11:20
(9:00 – 10:50 on January 24 / 9:00 – 11:50 on March 14)
Temple University, Japan Campus, Azabu Hall

International Collaboration on Non-profit NGO Management

Saturdays, January 24 – March 14
9:00 – 11:20
(9:00 – 10:50 on January 24 / 9:00 – 11:50 on March 14)
Temple University, Japan Campus, Azabu Hall
(\10,800 Entrance Fee required for New Students)
Lead Facilitator:
Sarajean Rossitto

Apply for this Course


The purpose of TUJ¡Çs NEW International Collaboration on Nonprofit/ NGO Management Program is to prepare community members interested in the work of nonprofit NGOs alongside nonprofit professionals in the US and Japan. Guest speakers from both countries will help prepare participants to serve in our increasingly complex and connected world.

Shared Session Topics

International Collaboration
This session explores the importance of international collaboration and ways to make international collaboration participatory and sustainable. Case studies will illustrate key factors influencing sustainable collaboration development as well as some of the challenges faced.

Marketing the Nonprofit Sector
This class topic will address ways to promote the mission of your nonprofit or NGO to target populations in order to raise awareness, develop your supporter base, and market your services to enhance participation in your activities. This will include assessment of targets, messaging, promotion tools and channels that will enable your organization to better secure supporters, participants, volunteers, and donors¡£

The Role of Nonprofit NGOs in Emergencies
This session will overview the following: roles of different actors in emergency situations, the standards, guidelines and coordination mechanisms of humanitarian response and introduce several case studies highlighting issues faced in response.

Financial /Economic Nonprofit Issues
This topic explores the importance of financial strategy in an organization¡Çs sustainability including budgeting, fundraising, grant-seeking, grant writing, corporate partnership development and contracting with vendors. The topic focuses on the cultivation of effective fiscal approaches for leaders in the nonprofit sector.

Nonprofit Government Sector Issues
This class explores key themes in the public nonprofit inter-sector discussion:

With presentation and discussion, we will learn and gain a better understanding of the environments in which nonprofits operate.
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NGO network Japan