タイトル Nonprofit leaders speak out about Refugees
開始日時 2017年 10月 18日 (水曜日)   18時40分 (GMT+09:00)
終了日時 2017年 10月 18日 (水曜日)   20時15分 (GMT+09:00)
詳細 Sophia University Global Competency Program
Global Action Lecture Series
From the Front Lines: Non-Profit Leaders Speak Out

A series of Panel Presentations followed by open discussion

From the Front Lines:
Nonprofit leaders speak out about … Refugees

Oct. 18th, 18:45-20:15
Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus
Bldg. 6, room 307


Jane Best, Executive Director, Refugees International Japan (RIJ)
Jane Best 事務局長 特定非営利活動法人国際難民支援会
RIJ funds projects for people displaced by conflict in countries around the world. RIJ supports projects that provide opportunities for people to lead an independent normal life while staying near to home and their loved ones; projects that enable people to give back to the community and make valuable contributions to the local economy as well as rebuilding their own future.

Hiroaki Ishii, Representative Director, Japan Association of Refugees (JAR)
石井宏明 常任理事 認定NPO法人 難民支援協会
As an organization of refugee protection experts, JAR provides comprehensive assistance for individual refugees, from the critical stage immediately following their arrival until they can lead a self-supporting life. Our mission is to ensure that all refugees who flee to Japan seeking help will be saved and settle down in the new land with hope.

Komai Chie, Lawyer, Milestone Law Office
駒井 知会 マイルストーン総合法律事務所
Chie Komai works extensively with immigration and refugee cases in Japan. She received her BA from University of Tokyo, and Masters of Law (LLM) from both Tokyo Univ. and LSE. Also, she has a Master of Studies in Forced Migration from Oxford Univ. As a registered attorney with the Tokyo Bar Association, she has served as Chairperson of the Foreign Human Rights Committee for both the Kanto and Tokyo Bar Associations.

Moderator and Series Organizer: Sarajean Rossitto, Sophia University, Nonprofit NGO consultant
Host: Prof. David Slater, Coordinator, Global Action Program, Sophia University

In English; no translation
Open to the public; no charge and no prior registration necessary

Location: Sophia University, Yotsuya Campus, Bldg 6, room 307
Access: Yotsuya station (JR, Marunouchi and Namboku subway lines)
Map link to campus: http://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/info/access/directions/access_yotsuya
Map link to campus building: http://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/info/access/map/map_yotsuya
Email Contact: Sophia.Global.Action@gmail.com

Other lectures in the series:
Session #2 Nov. 15th – 17: 00-18:30; bldg. 2, room 1702
From the front lines: Nonprofit leaders speak out about ...Poverty

Session #3 Dec. 12th- 17:00-18:30; bldg. 2, room 1702
From the front lines: Nonprofit leaders speak out about ...Gender
投稿者 Sarajean
レコード表示 公開
最終更新日 2017年 10月 6日 (金曜日)

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